Split_Se20nd, Remote Current, The Problem LLC
Apr 17, 2025 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Pono Ranch • Seattle • WA
Come one come all for the great Jazz Fusion night at Pono ranch. Featuring some of Seattle’s best kept secrets of the music community!
Apr 17
Thu • 07:00 PM
Jazz Fusion Thursday featuring Split_Se20nd, a five-piece ensemble that brings intricate but danceable grooves to the function! And all the way up from Bellingham is The Problem LLC, a funk collective that needs you as the solution. Lastly here is a message from the city: HENRY respectfully informs his friends and the Public, that he has established a BAND in the flourishing city of Seattle, where he will keep constantly on hand an extensive assortment of COMPOSITIONS and JAZZ MUSICIANS from which long experience he has had in business, he flatters himself will be found equal if not superior to any in the State, and will henceforth be known as REMOTE CURRENT!
You deserve a break today, grab a taco and listen to some sounds on a Thursday. Friday is just around the corner, but everyone knows Friday Junior is where it's at. Pono Ranch is the place, April 17th.
No Refunds & No Re-Entry after 11pm. Door price is subject to change.
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